"Water is an opportunity" Elizabeth Thelen
As director of entrepreneurship and talent for the Water Council in the Global Water Center, Elizabeth Thelen's job includes quite a bit of networking, collaboration, and strong communication skills. "I do a lot of connecting of people and resources using emails and meetings. Connections include setting up internships (student and employer) to an angel investor (start-up company and investor) and partner groups. I also conduct tours, attend and host conferences, speak and set up speakers."
Elizabeth visited with Slinger High School Sociology students on April 26, 2017 who were studying water as a cultural and work theme. Students found Thelen to be passionate and well-spoken and someone who added clarity to what goes on within and outside the walls of the Global Water Center.
Student reflection after visiting with Elizabeth Thelen:
"I noticed it takes constant teamwork between these companies at the Global Water Center. They each have their own important specific role as a smaller piece of a very large picture. The Water Council has a lot to do with the teamwork. I noticed that there is a very large push for creativity, flexibility and organization. When my group was interviewing Elizabeth Thelen, she was a very self driven person and encouraged us to always take on any project no matter how big or small because every project is an opportunity to do something great for the community. A final quote she gave us is " Water is an opportunity. " She emphasized this greatly and explained that there is a limitless amount of product and ideas that can come from water especially since we (Milwaukee area residents) live in the largest freshwater hub in the world."
(Photo above by Victoria Volkmann, Slinger student)